Thursday, January 21, 2010

PWN NOOBS on Halo 3 for HAITI Relief!!

Want to Help out Haiti? Play Halo 3. The developers and creators are donating %100 of all sales for a limited time, as well as paying out of pocket just if you play Halo 3. What a great concept, and I will support it by logging on and PWNING NOOBS for Haiti. TEAMHEADKICK supports this, and bungie scores again with a great concept and idea. See you in matchmaking!

Here's the Link.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Modern Warfare 2 Metal (Head Huntin)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Metal, is a fan film created by TEAMHEADKICK. This is for all the fans of the game, and to all the beast snipers out there. Metal meets Machine Gun PWNage. Finally, Modern Warfare 2 gets the theme song it deserves.

**Special Thanks to, Infinity Ward, Activision, and most importantly to YOU the fans!**

*** Modern Warfare 2 Metal (Head Huntin) MP3 Available on iTunes, Amazon, and worldwide!***

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Modern Warfare 2 Metal (Head Huntin') Cover Art

Hey Guys,
Here is the Cover Art for the Modern Warfare 2 Metal Machinima dropping later this week. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Modern Warfare 2 - Review

Set in multiple locations, with multiple missions, the campaign is challenging, and non stop exciting. Whether sniping hidden enemies, or run and gun body dropping, this first person shooter is a home run. The Multiplayer is awesome, team games are great. All I can say is pick up a copy. Modern Warfare 2 is the best call of duty yet, with amazing graphics and huge replay value. It gets a solid 5/5 Kick to the Head!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Left 4 Dead 2 Metal gets Accepted at MACHINIMA.COM!!! accepts Left 4 Dead 2 Metal. Only a week on the internet, and its picking up Steam!!! Thank you the fans for making this one awesome!!! Prepare for many more, and thanks for the support!